Hindus upset at Russell-Katy divorce

English actor-comedian Russell Brand and American musician Katy Perry, who reportedly underwent elaborate Hindu wedding ceremony in October 2010 in Rajasthan (India), are reportedly divorcing and Hindus are upset.
Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today, said that as Brand-Perry followed Hindu rituals and traditions in the wedding, they should have taken marriage seriously as it was a sacred rite in Hinduism.
Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, further said: In Hinduism, vivah (marriage) is the most important samskar (sacrament). Married couple is looked as a complete module for worship and participation in cultural/social acts. With the marriage samskar, one thoroughly enters into grihasth-ashram (householder phase), where one can attend to the goals of dharm (duty).

Rajan Zed stressed that if Hollywood and other celebrities opted for Hindu wedding, they should be prepared to adhere to the commitment, devotion, responsibility, sanctity, morals, etc., which were attached to it. There were reasons behind Hindus as a group having one of the lowest divorce rates in the world, Zed argued.
BAFTA nominated Russell Edward Brand (36) of England is reportedly attracted to Hinduism; carries a Sanskrit tattoo on his body; and has made visits to a Hindu temple. His catchphrase is “Hare Krishna” and Mahatma Gandhi is reportedly one of his heroes. He was quoted as saying: "I'm into yoga, I meditate all the time, I'm vegetarian.”


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